Tool Organization Tips: Keep Your Tools and Workshop Tidy

If you’re like many Americans, you’re big into DIY projects and have various tools to get those projects done. You might also have a workshop, even if it’s just your garage or a shed. Here’s the thing: a tidy, well-organized workshop makes it much easier to find the right tool when needed. An organized workshop also maximizes your workspace, reduces the time it takes to finish a project, and keeps your shop looking sharp. To help you get these benefits, Northwest Self Storage put together a list of the Top 14 organization tips to keep your tools and workshops tidy! If an organized workshop that makes you swell with pride is what you want, read on!

Top 14 Tool Organization Tips

Tip 1. Purge First, Organize Second

It can be challenging to organize a workshop if it’s filled with useless, old, or broken stuff you don’t need, want, or use. For that reason, purging your workshop first is an outstanding idea. That way, you’ll only organize the tools, gear, and materials you want and use. Plus, removing all that extra, nonessential stuff will immediately increase the storage space in your workshop.

Tip 2. Utilize Vertical Space with Pegboard

Pegboards with various tools hung up on it

There’s no denying that a pegboard is one of the best organization tools for your workshop and can increase your tool storage space significantly. The reason why is that a pegboard utilizes vertical space. Plus, pegboards are easy to hang and allow you to organize your tools in many different positions.

Tip 3. Create a Shadow Board with Peg Board

Painting an outline around the tools hanging on your pegboard is a great way to organize your workshop and keep it that way. It also makes putting those tools back in their correct space much more effortless.

Tip 4. Invest in a Large Toolbox with Wheels

If you have an extensive collection of hand tools (hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, etc.), the best way to organize them is with a large toolbox. Even better, purchase a toolbox with wheels so you can move it around your workshop quickly and place it close to whatever project you’re working on.

Tip 5. Magnetic Strips are Great (for Some Tools)

Many small tools are magnetic, including screwdrivers, drywall, spatulas, wrenches, and more. Thanks to this fact, magnetic strips are an excellent way to organize your workshop. Not only are they extremely low profile, but you can hang magnetic strips easily and quickly and organize your tools in a variety of ways around your shop when using them.

Tip 6. Organize and Store Like Tools with Like Tools

Tool box with assorted tools

Many tools in your collection are probably similar or can be sorted into categories. Screwdrivers are a great example, as many different types of screwdriver heads exist. One of the best ways to organize these tools is to store them together. This will make finding a specific tool when you need it much faster, rather than losing time searching through your toolbox.

Tip 7. Create a Dedicated Charging Station

Many tools found in the average workshop are battery-operated and need to be occasionally charged. Many folks charge their tools wherever they can find a plug, leading to a big mess. Plus, this method also leads to chargers being misplaced. To reduce your headache regarding charging tools, create a dedicated charging station where you can charge all of them.

Tip 8. Utilize Overhead Space when Possible

Wall space and floor space are at a premium in most home workshops, which makes utilizing the overhead space necessary. If your workshop has exposed rafters, this can be relatively easy. Just stick long tools, lumber, and supplies on the rafters, and you’re all set. There are also plenty of tool systems you can use that can be mounted to your workshop’s ceiling or rafters and do the same thing.

Tip 9. Use Different Colored Duct Tape to Identify Different Types of Tools

Color-coding some tools with duct tape will help you quickly identify them and put them back in their correct space when you’re done. This can help keep your workshop organized.

Tip 10. Purchase (or Build) a Fold-Down Workbench

A fold-down workbench is a great idea if you have a tiny workshop. The reason is that when you’re not using it, you can fold it down and out of the way, increasing your workshop space immediately.

Tip 11. Use Ceiling Hooks to Hang Hoses, Cords, Wire and other Supplies

Various carpenter tools in a workshop

Utilizing the overhead space in your workshop is a must if it’s small and cramped. One of the best ways to do this is to install ceiling hooks, where you can hang hoses, cords, wires, and other relatively light and non-fragile tools and supplies.

Tip 12. Reuse Glass Jars for Small Items like Nuts, Washers, Bolts, etc.

Glass jars, especially Mason jars, are an excellent way to organize small items like screws, washers, bolts, nuts, and so forth. Even better, you can see exactly what’s inside.

Tip 13. Use a “Lazy Susan” Device for Tools, Lubricants, Spray Paint, etc.

Just like in your kitchen, a Lazy Susan can help you organize cans of spray, paint, lubricants, and other supplies, making them easier to find.

Tip 14. Build a Rack to Store Lumber and Pipes

Depending on the type of DIY projects you like to tackle, you might have a lot of lumber or pipes in your workshop. Building a rack you can hang on the wall to store all of that extra lumber not only gets it out of your way, but utilizes your unused vertical space.

No Workshop? No Problem! Rent a Storage Unit from Northwest Self Storage!

Various tools hung up and assorted

If you live in Oregon, Washington, or Idaho and need to organize your workshop, Northwest Self Storage is the perfect solution! You can start organizing or creating your tool shop while storing all your tools here at Northwest Self Storage! Your tools and supplies will be safe in our secure storage facility. If you’re ready, reserve a storage unit online with Northwest Self Storage today! Until then, we hope these tool organization tips help you reclaim your work shop space.