Build the Perfect DIY Cat Room

June is National Adopt-a-Cat Month. If you’ve never had the honor of sharing your home with a frisky kitten, now is a perfect time to adopt. Not only can you bring home your very own adorable little ball of fur, but you can also build it a DIY cat room. The Humane Society in Vancouver, WA always has plenty of cute kitties for adoption. So don’t waste another day without a purring companion. In fact, consider adopting two so that they can play together. To really make your new pets happy, put your dusty treadmill in self-storage, and create a playroom for your cats. Here are our small cat room ideas so you can make your cat feel welcome.

1: Find the Purrrr-Fect Space for your DIY Cat Room

A small, quiet bedroom is ideal. But, you don’t need a whole room, especially if you have a small house or apartment. You might have a closet, spare bathroom, or the area under a staircase to use. Whatever space you choose, you’ll need to remove any items that can be easily broken or damaged by claws. Clipping your cat’s claws can help, but leather couches and satin curtains are not great choices for a cat’s playroom. We recommend you also leave yourself a comfortable place to sit if you want to join your cat.

Whatever the size, below are a few tips and ideas to help you make the purr-fect cat room: 

2: Under Your Stairs Makes a Fantastic DIY Cat Room

Small house? No problem! The space underneath a set of steps makes a great place to set up a small room for your cat. Not only will they love the privacy, but you can put their litter box inside to reduce odors. Some folks have even put a cat door to access the space under the stairs. That way, the main door can always stay closed, but your cat can come and go as they please.

For example, one thing to do is put in some low-key lights. Lights will make the cat room more inviting and cozy (just don’t make them too bright). Plus, of course, a small cat bed, toys, and something to climb on. (You can incorporate the steps if you’re handy with DIY projects!) Also, you can go crazy with colors, decorations, and more because it’s under the stairs and hidden from view!

3: If Possible, Give your Kitty a Window Seat

If you know cats, you know they love to sit near a window and look outside. So put a window in your small cat room if you can swing it. Some walk-in closets have windows, you know. Even better, set up a small shelf in front of the window. That way, your curious kitty can relax while watching the world outside. A DIY cat room becomes a cat palace if you’re able to swing it and add a window! In addition, you can check out these awesome and easy DIY cat furniture projects to make a window seat for your cat.

4: Spare Bathroom? Make it a Small Cat Room

Unless you use it often, a spare bathroom makes a perfect room for a cat! First, bathrooms usually have windows, which we already know cats love! (Plus, on kitty litter cleaning day, you can open the window to get some fresh air.) Then there’s the proximity to a toilet, so you can flush their poop if you like. Lastly, since bathrooms usually have a small closet, you can use it to store all your car-related stuff! As far as DIY cat rooms go, a spare bathroom is one of the best!

5: Make Your Cat Room Special

No matter what kind of space you have available to make into a DIY cat room, it’s important to make it a special space. Here are our favorite ideas to make your small cat room special:

  • Provide multiple opportunities for your cat to climb and perch. Cats love high resting places, so if there are no elevated areas in the room, consider buying a tall, high-quality cat tree.
  • Get a great cat bed. Make sure it’s fluffy, warm, and well-padded. If your kitty is shy, place the bed in a dark corner or under a piece of furniture so that it provides a safe place to hide.
  • Provide a scratching post. Some cat trees have built-in scratching areas; you might be able to save a few dollars by choosing one that does.
  • Stock your DIY cat room with fun cat toys. Toy mice, catnip plush toys, wand teasers, and laser pens are feline favorites.
  • Most importantly, provide the essential amenities. Serve your cat’s food in stainless steel, glass, or ceramic dishes, and be sure that freshwater is always available. Place your cat’s litter box away from its eating areas, and be sure to clean it regularly.

Your Very Own DIY Cat Room

Whatever you decide, the things you need for a large cat room you’ll also need in a small cat room. Climbing perches and posts, plenty of toys, cat-safe plants, etc. Remember, this is a space your cat will spend a lot of time enjoying. Put things in there they like, and your cats will stay contented and happy! There are lots of affordable ways to make your small space more cat friendly as well.

Find a Great Deal on Storage Units at Northwest

You’ll quickly discover that cats are addictive. Fortunately, Northwest Self Storage provides clean, affordable storage units for cat lovers living in Vancouver, WA. With all the cat trees, litter boxes, and fluffy beds you’ll be bringing home, you’ll soon need a place to store your extra furniture and breakable items. Use our locator tool to discover a storage solution that will make you purr.

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